Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31

Since December I have had a glass cabinet in a box. What better time than this past weekend to build it?!?!

Here it is in the box. It is from IKEA and had A LOT of pieces. I did pretty good building it. I only got one injury, a paper cut from the box on my finger.

This is what Betty was going during the building. She is not a great helper. I miss you all helping me! 

Here it is finished! 

I got it as a gift from my mom and dad to hold my Nano Blocks. Nano Blocks are mini-legos. I collect them and they are all different places in the world. Did you know I like legos? I don't know that I ever shared that with the class.

Here is a picture showing what they look like up close. You can see that I even made little labels for each of them.

Having hobbies and doing things that make you happy during this time is so important! It does not need to be building or legos, but I hope all of you are finding hobbies and activities to do at home to stay busy. 

I love you all!